Labia Power! Blog
About feminist empowerment, better choices, and not being afraid to reclaim your power and wield it for the forces of good. I also critically examine the culture wars and how we can reclaim liberalism from the illiberals, and work with our compatriots on the Rational Right. And occasionally some silly stuff!
What Went Wrong With Wokeness, The Left's Authoritarianism
Women & Power: Would We Be As Good Running The World As We Think?
I Want To Slap The Next Lib Who Tells Me To Vote Against Women
Some Rape Victims Emerge Stronger, Not Permanently Debilitated
How I Grew a Pair (Of Labia) And Left An Abusive Marriage: Guest Post Part I
What Do Jews And All Women Have In Common?
Feminists Against Women: When They Won't Say No To Men, They Harm All Females
What Is Genuine Transphobia? Not What People Think
What Can We Learn From This Woman's Abusive Relationship?
'Cancelling' J.K. Rowling Rather Than Emma Watson Demonstrates How Fucked Up Feminism Is
Masculinism 2.0: What Would A Positive, Healthy New Men's Movement Look Like?
America Is In Real Crisis. Why Did We Let This Happen?
It's Not Your Job To Educate Others, But Do It Anyway
The Mixed Messages Of The Sexy Workplace
It's Time To Reckon With The Left's War On Women
Punish Boys, Not Girls, For Misogyny
Overturning Roe v Wade Will Weaponize Rape In Some States
What Abuse Victims Can Learn From Prison Groupies
What If Human Women Challenged Male Aggression Like Bonobos?
Who Cares What Others Think About Your Looks?
Are You Too Tolerant Of Abuse?