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That's what we say to men when we think they're acting weak. "Grow some balls!" 

So what do we say when women are acting weak? We can't very well tell them to grow some balls. Women can't, of course!

Women need to 'grow some labia'! They're the parts of the vagina that would have become the scrotum for the balls had she been born a male instead (and since she didn't, what would have been her balls are her ovaries).
But I doubt you came here for a female anatomy lesson. It's time for us to grow some labia and woman up, show more strength, challenge ourselves more. Time to take more charge and responsibility for our lives, and spend less time blaming 'The Patriarchy' or systemic sexism.
Those things exist, for sure, but at some point we've got to recognize the buck stops with the woman in the mirror and we need to claim our power (or reclaim it if we gave it away somehow!)
So it's time for women everywhere to GROW SOME LABIA!

I've written a few blog posts about how we can do exactly that and reclaim our power!


The differences between victim feminism, which sees women as chronically aggrieved and victimized by men and 'The Patriarchy', and power feminism, which is more focused on one's self, achieving and claiming personal power and using it for the betterment of others.

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