The foxy fauxminist has gone missing in recent years. No movies. No fauxminist outbursts. Not even any trans love tweeted. I investigated. And then she trended.

I got to wondering what happened to British actress Emma Watson with the new explosion of JK Rowling hate after the Harry Potter author gave a giant middle finger to the Scottish government by daring them to arrest her for properly gendering cross-dressing men, and especially fake-ass rapists. A new Scottish ‘hate crime’ law gives men carte blanche to hate on, threaten, and abuse women while threatening with imprisonment any woman who fights back or protests. Or calls a man a man. It doesn’t mention any repercussions for trans-misogyny against real women. Carry on, boys. Fake or real.
It’s kind of reminiscent of that Pakistani law that jails women for adultery if they report a rape to the police. Women should be fucked and not heard.
As always, when the transmisogyny hit Rowling full steam, Ms. Fauxminist had fuck all to say about it.
But then I got to thinking: Watson’s had fuck all to say about anything, recently, and is she still even making movies? The last one I saw was Beauty and the Beast.
So I checked her out on X. She’s there, but she doesn’t tweet much and when she does, it’s about her family’s hooch business. They run a French Chablis winery and Watson has debuted her own Chablis-flavored gin, Renais.
That got my attention! I like wine! I like gin! I like anything that distracts her from defending misogynist cross-dressers!
I have never seen Renais gin where I buy good hooch, probably because I live in Canada rather than the U.K. But I would totally try it. It’s gotta be better than ‘Success Distilled’ Trump Vodka, which folded after six years because apparently it was, like many other Trump brands, distilled with less success than advertised. I never tried it, or even heard of it until recently. I imagine it tasted like failure and criminal tears.
I remembered that Watson had been appointed, in 2014, as the UN Women Ambassador. Was she still in that role? I couldn’t find much about it. The UN posted something in March sounding like she still was, but didn’t mention any recent work. She worked quietly on a few non-UN feminist projects just before the pandemic, but after that she goes silent in the media.
If there’s one thing Emmy-poo isn’t tweeting or talking about much anymore, it seems, it’s feminism. Which is a good thing, since she abandoned it several years ago to become a men’s rights activist for clever fetishists.
Her last personally embarrassing scandal was in 2017 when she declared women shouldn’t sexualize themselves right around the time a Vanity photo emerged of her with her naked but (almost) nipple-obstructed breasts. It was a silly dust-up, fairly anemic potatoes in a world where transactivist cross-dressers sexualize and fetishize women and threaten to physically shut the fucking mouth of any ‘TERF’ who dares to challenge them.
And they can get away with it now in Scotland. And next, as I fear, in Canada.
Watson has fuck all to say about her fauxminist support for her pseudoscientific ‘Transwomen are women’ nonsense, too.
And then, hours after I scheduled this article for publication, Emma Watson was trending on X.
Why isn’t she speaking out on feminist issues anymore?
The trans-misogyny was at full-blown OJ-New-Year’s-Eve level. That Rowling bitch was standing up for women’s rights again.

Emma Watson trended, not Daniel Radcliffe, I assume because of her public fauxminism. I watched, waiting to see if she would respond. So far, she hasn’t.
Nadda word. One must wonder why.
Watson used to be such a promising feminist. I always loved her as mouthy, assertive Hermione Grainger, but when she first became a global face of feminism—real feminism, not the trans-pandering she turned to a few years later—I loved how she condemned feminist ‘man-hating’. “Thank you! Thank for saying that!” I said, because I was sick of the misandry too. Social and political movements always have their haters, and unless there’s someone exercising some sort of messaging control, the movement gets quickly hijacked by extremists, as happened to feminism somewhere in the late ‘80s or early ‘90s. At least the early ‘90s is when I stopped identifying as a ‘feminist’ and began calling myself a ‘humanist’, sort of an ‘All sexes matter’. It was just too embarrassing to associate myself with those women.
Then Watson got woke, checked her brain at the door and began catering, witlessly, to the Holy Sacred Boner that lurks underneath transactivist dresses.
She lost me. I still love the actress, but couldn’t stand the person.
The thing that really aggravated me about her was that if she’s going to call herself a feminist, if she’s going to purport to speak for so many of us, if not all, she needs to address the biggest threat to women today: Trans-identified males so far doing a very good job of rolling women’s rights back. To zero.
Frankly, they’re frighteningly more effective than the far right. Allow me to digress for a moment: Trump scares me less than the Transmafia.
His biggest crime against women—and it’s a big one—is appointing three conservative Supreme Court Justices who finally gave the right’s misogynists their wank dream.
Otherwise, he’s accused but never convicted of rape, of unsuccessfully paying off a porn star to shut up about an affair, and of confessed but consensual pussy-grabbing. He has not, to my knowledge, for all his famously offensive and often misogynist tweets, ever sent out anything like the following:



But check it out: He’s against trans-identified men in women’s private changing rooms, bathrooms, and sports teams.
And I ask semi-seriously: How much will the Zoomers need abortions anyway? Progressives have been sterilizing them for ten years with ‘transitioning’, and now they’re sterilizing themselves with tubal ligations and vasectomies because they don’t ever want to be faced with enforced pregnancy.
Donald Trump is an utter failure with women in just about any way you can think of, including two failed marriages, relentless philandering, daughter-lusting, and I’m not blowing off the rape accusations, especially E. Jean Carroll’s. I suspect he’s got plenty of ugly misogynist policy up his sleeve which only the traddiest wives would approve of if he wins, and I won’t vote for him, but I won’t be voting for Biden either.
In the Bizarro States of America, Donald Trump is the more feminist candidate.
It seems pretty obvious why Watson wouldn’t want to change her tune and stand up for women like Rowling under attack. It would mean professional death. The Transmafia would silence her in a heartbeat. They could and would destroy her career. She doesn’t dare, and I am sympathetic to, her desire to preserve her career and not be subjected to far more credible threats to her life that already come packaged with fame, beauty, talent, and a prominent role as a women’s rights advocate. She received frightening threats after her famous UN speech. And that was when she was asking for something reasonable.
My Emma hate comes from her horrendous hypocrisy: Feigning feminism while refusing to call out the Western misogynist backlash led by men who get stiffies in dresses.
Watson was in a bad place: Speaking out against misogyny, but only when it didn’t offend the entitled who could afford the luxury of alternative pronouns.
And so, I hope and pray, she may finally have realized she had become the very worst sort of hypocrite. Maybe defending her boobies are as feminist as she cares to get. It’s lowball. It’s safe. It’s old-school. Second wave feminists, who are more inclined to go after her newer fauxminism, can at least get on board with her sexualization-is-bad message. It was one of the first memos sent out during the ‘Women’s Libber’ era. “My eyes are up here!”
I don’t think you can be a successful careerist and speak out on real feminist issues unless you’re ridiculously wealthy, like Rowling, or are ready to retire, which is what you’ll do as soon as your first pro-women tweet includes the #TranswomenAreMen hashtag.
I’m speculating, of course, because I can’t ask Watson myself and because she’s keeping mum about transgender rights. And JK Rowling’s latest shot.
I’d thought maybe I’m missed something since I don’t live in the U.K. or follow celebrity news, but I don’t think I have.
I’m okay with her not speaking out against transactivism if she shuts up about feminism overall. It’s a matched set. Speak out against the most critical issue facing women’s rights, or clap that pretty little trap shut.
Maybe she finally had a come-to-Jesus moment. Just how feminist am I, anyway?
And how much did she value her career?
I wonder (hope!) that’s she’s taken a cue from her mentor and realized that money is power, the very definition of ‘power feminist’ in Naomi Wolf’s classic Fire With Fire: The New Female Power and How It Will Change The 21st Century.
Power, and wealth privilege, can be used for good as well as evil, as Wolf points out. That’s where salvation lies for women.
Hey, it’s always worked for men!
The future of feminism
What’s Emma up to when she’s no longer mouthing platitudes directed by her (perhaps former) transactivist masters?
When I first Googled her name and ‘2024’, I found she was doing a lot of modeling work.
She’s also engaging in some quiet feminist personal empowerment that makes Grow Some Labia smile and wonder whether perhaps we might welcome her back to the feminist fold one day.
Watson hasn’t made a movie since 2019 (Greta Gerwig’s Little Women) because she became uncomfortable with not having any say, power, or control about the projects she was in. She felt ‘caged’. She took what she claims is a break from acting and intends to return to it eventually. In the meantime, she’s done a perfume commercial for Prada and directs her own projects.
I found one quote which suggests she began experiencing cognitive dissonance over what she was promoting and what she believed in. She doesn’t offer an example of what made her feel inauthentic, but she told Variety magazine she took ‘flak’ from journalists as she promoted this or that who asked, “How does this align with your viewpoint?” She didn’t like having no say in the process that created something she now had to promote.
“I was held accountable in a way that I began to find really frustrating, because I didn’t have a voice, I didn’t have a say. And I started to realize that I only wanted to stand in front of things where if someone was going to give me flak about it, I could say, in a way that didn’t make me hate myself, ‘Yes, I screwed up, it was my decision, I should have done better.’”
I don’t know if she was challenged on, or thinks about now, her past public genderwoo. The questions were directed toward her projects. But if her answers were making her ‘hate herself’, did she also question whether, as she famously alleged on then-Twitter, that “Transwomen are women”?
She’s directing. She’s producing. She’s fixing what she complained about years ago: The lack of female directors and producers in the movies.
Well done, Ms. Watson!
She’s also taking creative writing classes, as of the fall of 2023.
She’s taking charge of her life and producing things on her own, including her own brand of gin.
She’s become an entrepreneur. I like lady entrepreneurs. My niece is thinking of becoming one.
Don’t depend on Da Man (or Da Woman), be the mistress of your own fate!
She’s still promoting liberal, progressive causes.
Emma Watson is still alive. Her feminist evolution appears to be more self-directed now, as she reclaims her power, or perhaps truly seizes it for the first time. I dislike her less than I did when I wrote an angry polemic about her abrogation of feminism in the face of a clear and distinct Woke War On Women.
She’s doing now what I advocate for her: Shutting up about feminism, if she can’t defend trans-misogynists anymore, and especially if she’s figured out that human sex is biologically immutable.
I’ll wait to see what she does or says next. In the meantime, Ms. Watson, we’re working on the current feminist challenge: The right to be a public, challenging feminist without rape and death threats or career suicide.
You’re welcome.

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